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Empower your team with new skills, fast

Shortform teaches the world's best ideas in a concise, actionable way. With 1000+ book guides and daily key topics, your team will learn better than ever.

Turn ideas into action

We align learning with your specific objectives to get real results.

Turnkey program

Your Learning Consultant does the heavy lifting of nurturing your team.

No-regret pricing

Only pay for what your team actually uses. No overcommitment, no regrets.


Everything your team needs to learn

Get a full suite of capabilities to help your team learn key skills and do better work.

1000+ guides to bestseller books

Daily articles on
key topics

Audio narrations

PDF downloads

Mobile apps

Discussion boards for group learning

Thought-provoking exercises

Learning paths

Dedicated learning consultant

Usage reporting and analytics

"I have so many books, so many articles I want to read. There's just not enough time to get through them all. Shortform is a great solution to that."

—Keshav Bhatt
Executive Leadership Coach

The best content in the industry

Here's what sets us apart from the rest.

World-class quality

Brilliant new insights

Active learning

We take confusing ideas and explain them in plain and simple ways, as concisely as possible.

We add smart analysis, connecting ideas in novel ways and discussing key updates since the book was published.

Thoughtful exercises and discussion communities engage readers to turn ideas into action.

"What I particularly like is that the book summaries include interactive exercises for each chapter, turning what would normally be passive learning into proactive learning."

—Mike Elon
Productivity Content Creator


What Shortform does for your team

Learn key skills, at scale

Shortform covers all the key skills the modern worker needs, including:

  • Communication, management, leadership
  • Marketing, sales, technology
  • Productivity and mental health

Full-spectrum thinking

With the world more complex than ever, workers need to handle a diverse range of perspectives to make good decisions.

Shortform's content intelligently synthesizes diverse viewpoints and improves critical thinking.

Turnkey, low effort deployment

Getting your team started with Shortform is no harder than using Zoom. Our Learning Consultant builds a custom program tailored to your organization's objectives and does the heavy lifting.


Why people love Shortform

"Works best for me"

"The BEST book guides"

"Part of my daily routine"

I am absolutely glad to become a subscriber. I have seen many different “book summary” applications, and this is the one that works best for me. The content quality, format, exercises - all perfect.

I LOVE Shortform as these are THE BEST book guides I’ve ever seen...and I’ve used lots of similar sites. The 1-Page Summary and the longer version, and the ability to download PDFs, was valuable.

I could not be happier. I took my own notes when reading, but your guides are much better than mine. Shortform is now part of my daily routine.

Hugo Boutet

CEO, Zyneth Coaching

John McPhee

Director, Nike

Adrian Hood Sr., PhD

Engineer, US Army

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Let's talk about how Shortform can give your team learning superpowers.

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