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Give your team superpowers

Help your team teach themselves to do better work.

Skills learning, at scale

Today's workers need more skills, learned faster, than ever before. Shortform covers every business skill the modern worker needs, from management and business strategy to taking care of their mental health.

Modern critical thinking

The world gets more complicated everyday. Workers need to handle a wide range of viewpoints to make the best decision.

Shortform content includes expert commentary and analysis, so learners develop broad-spectrum thinking. This means less bias, more full picture. 

Every business need, covered

Shortform's content covers 30+ genres, from workplace skills like negotiation and marketing to personal skills like productivity and mental health. Whatever your team needs to improve on, we've got it covered.








Mental Health

Scale your management

What if your team members could train themselves to be managers and leaders?

With Shortform, your team self-learns critical work skills, taking the heavy lifting off their managers. Take a person from 0 to 60 in a new domain with our high-quality learning paths.

Team communication

Teams learn better together. In Shortform's private discussion forums, your team will share notes on how they'll apply a book's ideas to their real-life work responsibilities.

Managers and reports can review conflicts they've had, a project group can apply new strategic principles, and leaders can get feedback from their team.

Turnkey integration

Build a Learning & Development capability with low effort. Your dedicated Shortform Learning Consultant does the heavy lifting in delivering Shortform to meet your organization's goals.


Why people love Shortform

"Works best for me"

"The BEST book guides"

"Part of my daily routine"

I am absolutely glad to become a subscriber. I have seen many different “book summary” applications, and this is the one that works best for me. The content quality, format, exercises - all perfect.

I LOVE Shortform as these are THE BEST book guides I’ve ever seen...and I’ve used lots of similar sites. The 1-Page Summary and the longer version, and the ability to download PDFs, was valuable.

I could not be happier. I took my own notes when reading, but your guides are much better than mine. Shortform is now part of my daily routine.

Hugo Boutet

CEO, Zyneth Coaching

John McPhee

Director, Nike

Adrian Hood Sr., PhD

Engineer, US Army

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